"Staff Engineer" book notes

Last updated 10.8.2023

Not a faster Senior Engineer

It's important to know what work or which role most energizes you. A Staff engineer is not a more senior engineer. A Staff engineer also fits into another archetype.

As a staff engineer, you are always expected to go beyond your comfort zone and learn new things.

Your job sometimes will feel like an SEM and sometimes strangely similar to your senior roles.

A Staff engineer is, like a Manager, a leader. However, being a Manager is a specific job. Leaders can apply to any job, especially to Staff engineers.

The Balance

The more senior you become, the more responsibility you will have to cope with them in less time. Balance your speed of progress with your personal life, don't work late hours and don't skip these personal care events.

Do fewer things but do them better. Everything done will accelerate the organization. Everything else will drag it down—quality over quantity.

Don't work at ten things and progress slowly; focus on one thing and finish it.

Only spend some of the time firefighting. Have time for deep thinking. Only deep think some of the time. Otherwise, you lose touch with reality.

Sebactical: Take at least six months. Otherwise, it won't be as restored.

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