Perl Poetry
Published at 2008-06-26T21:43:51+01:00; Updated at 2021-05-04
Here are some Perl Poems I wrote. They don't do anything useful when you run them, but they don't produce a compiler error either. They only exist for fun and demonstrate what you can do with Perl syntax.
Wikipedia: "Perl poetry is the practice of writing poems that can be compiled as legal Perl code, for example the piece known as Black Perl. Perl poetry is made possible by the large number of English words that are used in the Perl language. New poems are regularly submitted to the community at PerlMonks."
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Table of Contents
# (C) 2006 by Paul C. Buetow
goto library for study $math;
BEGIN { s/earching/ books/
and read $them, $at, $the } library:
our $topics, cos and tan,
require strict; import { of, tied $patience };
do { int'egrate'; sub trade; };
do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' };
study and study and study and study;
foreach $topic ({of, math}) {
you, m/ay /go, to, limits }
do { not qw/erk / unless $success
and m/ove /o;$n and study };
do { int'egrate'; sub trade; };
do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' };
study and study and study and study;
grep /all/, exp'onents' and cos'inuses';
/seek results/ for @all, log'4rithms';
'you' =~ m/ay /go, not home
unless each %book ne#ars
do { int'egrate'; sub trade; };
do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' };
home: //ig,'nore', time and sleep $very =~ s/tr/on/g;
# (C) 2006 by Paul C. Buetow
Children: do tell $wishes;
Santa: for $each (@children) {
BEGIN { read $each, $their, wishes and study them; use Memoize#ing
} use constant gift, 'wrapping';
package Gifts; pack $each, gift and bless $each and goto deliver
or do import if not local $available,!!! HO, HO, HO;
redo Santa, pipe $gifts, to_childs;
redo Santa and do return if last one, is, delivered;
deliver: gift and require diagnostics if our $gifts ,not break;
do{ use NEXT; time; tied $gifts} if broken and dump the, broken, ones;
The_children: sleep and wait for (each %gift) and try { to => untie $gifts };
redo Santa, pipe $gifts, to_childs;
redo Santa and do return if last one, is, delivered;
The_christmas_tree: formline s/ /childrens/, $gifts;
alarm and warn if not exists $Christmas{ tree}, @t, $ENV{HOME};
write <<EMail
to the parents to buy a new christmas tree!!!!111
and send the
;wait and redo deliver until defined local $tree;
redo Santa, pipe $gifts, to_childs;
redo Santa and do return if last one, is, delivered ;}
END {} our $mission and do sleep until next Christmas ;}
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-freebsd-64int
# (C) 2007 by Paul C. Buetow
BEGIN{} goto mall for $shopping;
m/y/; mall: seek$s, cool products(), { to => $sell };
for $their (@business) { to:; earn:; a:; lot:; of:; money: }
do not goto home and exit mall if exists $new{product};
foreach $of (q(uality rich products)){} package products;
our $news; do tell cool products() and do{ sub#tract
cool{ $products and shift @the, @bad, @ones;
do bless [q(uality)], $products
and return not undef $stuff if not (local $available) }};
do { study and study and study for cool products() }
and do { seek $all, cool products(), { to => $buy } };
do { write $them, $down } and do { order: foreach (@case) { package s } };
goto home if not exists $more{money} or die q(uerying) ;for( @money){};
at:;home: do { END{} and:; rest:; a:; bit: exit $shopping }
and sleep until unpack$ing, cool products();
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-freebsd-64int
Did you like what you saw? Have a look at Codeberg to see my other poems too:
E-Mail your comments to :-)
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