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type ’a lazy = unit -> ’a; fun force (f:’a lazy) = f (); fun delay x = (fn () => x) : ’a lazy; datatype ’a sequ = NIL | CONS of ’a * ’a sequ lazy; fun first 0 s = [] | first n NIL = [] | first n (CONS (i,r)) = i :: first (n-1) (force r); fun filters p NIL = NIL | filters p (CONS (x,r)) = if p x then CONS (x, fn () => filters p (force r)) else filters p (force r); fun nat_pairs () = let fun from_pair (x,0) = CONS ((x,0), fn () => from_pair (0,x+1)) | from_pair (up,dn) = CONS ((up,dn), fn () => from_pair (up+1,dn-1)) in from_pair (0,0) end; (* Test val test = first 10 (nat_pairs ()) *) fun nat_pairs_not_null () = filters (fn (x,y) => x > 0 andalso y > 0) (nat_pairs ()); (* Test val test = first 10 (nat_pairs_not_null ()); *)
{- Just to make it look like the ML example -} first = take filters = filter {- Implementation -} nat_pairs = from_pair 0 0 where from_pair x 0 = [x,0] : from_pair 0 (x+1) from_pair up dn = [up,dn] : from_pair (up+1) (dn-1) {- Test: first 10 nat_pairs -} nat_pairs_not_null = filters (\[x,y] -> x > 0 && y > 0) nat_pairs {- Test: first 10 nat_pairs_not_null -}